January 12, 2015

Harvest at the Banquet Provides Produce Donations

Local groups that serve the Thursday night Banquet at the Southeast Community Center can now make their meals go a little further. The Pierre area Let’s Move committee will donate produce to any group that wants to include the featured Harvest of the Month produce on the Banquet menu, thanks to a generous grant from the Walmart Foundation.

“We should have enough funds to support weekly fresh produce donations for the next seven months, if not longer,” says Danette Jarzab, Community Wellness Coordinator.

Harvest of the Month gives elementary students and after school care program participants an opportunity to sample different produce each month. The feature produce is highlighted with signage in some local supermarkets.

"Bringing Harvest produce to the Banquet is a way to get more people eating more produce," says Jarzab.

Jarzab uses the 4-H River Club menu  to show how the Harvest at the Banquet grant works.

"The grant is paying for Soynut butter, a case each of carrot and celery, three cases of strawberries and all the ingredients for 2 large pots of Calico beans. The Soynut butter and beans are this month's featured Harvest produce. This means the group only has to cover the costs for ham, milk, and bread."

To arrange for a Harvest donation to your Banquet meal, contact Danette Jarzab at 605-224-8295 or email danettejarzab@sd-discovery.com.

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