Pierre -Ft Pierre Girl Scout Sleepover! Register right away!
Brownie Sleepover
March 15-16
March 15 6:30 PM Drop off
March 16 9:00 AM Pickup
Fee $10 per girl. Adults are free.
Costs cover activities, patch, evening snack and breakfast.
We will be collecting birthday items to donate to the food pantry. Examples of items to bring: cake mix, frosting, decorations, party favors, birthday plates, napkins, balloons. Remember to bring neutral colors or party themes for both girls and boys.
Juniors, Cadettes and Seniors
March 28-29
March 28 6:30 PM Drop off
March 29 9:00 AM Pickup
Register by March 21. Email Linda or Kendra with girl's name, parent name, phone number(s), troop leader.
Join together with other Girl Scouts to discover clues and solve a mystery for a night of fun and friendship. Juniors will work toward their Detective badge and Cadettes toward their Special Agent badge.