Early Release Day
March 26 is an early release day for kids in the Pierre
Schools so send your child to the Discovery Center for some fun! Our theme this
month is Space Exploration and kids will have a chance to visit our digital
starlab to learn all about planets, nebula and constellations. They can make
some out of this world crafts to take home and enjoy other hands-on
space-themed activities.
The event takes place from 1-4 pm with most kids
staying about two hours.
Fee is $5 for members and $7 for non-members.
Is CSI for real?
9th-12th grade students join us at Pier 347 on Saturday, March 29th
at 3:00 pm. A state forensic scientist will present about his career and there
will be hands-on activities, including looking for clues in a crime scene!