April 2, 2014

Go Green and Clean Youth Competition

This year, the Go Green and Clean committee is giving all youth organizations in Pierre, including private and public schools, scouts, 4H, and faith based groups a chance to be named the 2014 Go Green and Clean Youth Organization of Spring!

All you have to do is take part in Mayor Laurie Gill’s 5th Go Green & Clean campaign April 22nd through the 26th.  Log on to the City of Pierre web site  and click on to the Go Green and Clean campaign to learn more.

Here are some ideas you might consider:
  • adopting a location of public land in the City and walking the area to keep it clean on a regular basis,
  • putting in recycling containers for items at your school or club, 
  • setting up a special day in the classroom to learn about “Going Green” and sustaining the environment,
  • putting a volunteer team together to help with the public lands cleanup event on Saturday, April 26th! 
Be sure to take lots of pictures and promote it on your organization’s website or Facebook page!  These photos will also be posted on the official Go Green and Clean page of the City.

There is only one rule: You must have the City of Pierre’s Go Green and Clean logo somehow incorporated in your activity.

The winning organization will receive a plaque from the City and be recognized by Mayor Laurie Gill in front of the City Commission. They will also receive a prize package from the Go Green & Clean committee! The winner will be announced on Monday, April 28th.

Register your organization in the contest today!

Deadline to enter is Wednesday, April 16th.

Once you are registered, you will receive a questionnaire the judges will use to determine the winner.  Any questions please contact Karla Kendrick at Dakota Radio Group at 224-8686 or email karlakendrick@dakotaradiogroup.com

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