SD Discovery Center is going purple for Military Kids the rest of this
Dennis Daugaard proclaimed this month as the Month of the Military Child in
South Dakota. Also, April 15, tomorrow, is known as "Purple Up! for
Military Kids Day". It's a way to show appreciation for military kids and
people are encouraged to wear the color purple tomorrow. A local Pierre area
group has been working to organize events as part of Month of the Military
Child and one group member, Marne Dooley says citizens that wear purple
tomorrow can do so to honor kids whose parents serve in the many different
branches of the military.
To support these efforts, the SD Discovery
Center will have free admission for military kids, veterans and active duty
military personal from April 15 through Easter Monday. SDDC staff will
join others around the community in wearing purple for Military kids tomorrow.
SD Discovery Center is a science playground for the entire family.” Says
Kristie Maher, executive director of the South Dakota Discovery Center.
“We hope these families will stop in and enjoy a fun, relaxing time
SD Discovery Center is open from 1pm to 5pm Monday through Thursday and 10am to
5pm on Saturday. It is closed Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
For more information go to