Registration for the 2014 History Adventures – Water Ways is now open.
Dates: Choose from May 5, 6, 7 or 8.
Times: We ask that you be able to participate from 9AM - 2:30 at a minimum.
Cost: $8/participant. Bring your own lunches.
South Dakota History Adventures is like four field trips rolled into one. Students in grades 4-6 spend the day exploring the history, cultures and ecology of the Pierre area. Take in a star show to discover how the Lakota understood the heavens in our Digitarium. Go to the Cultural Heritage Center for a fun, hands-on activity to learn about our past, plus more! New this year: All aboard the research vessel, the Capitol City Queen! A nominal cost gets you access to a full day of educational, hands-on adventures.
Questions? Contact Kristie Maher or call 605-224-8295.
Sponsored in part by the South Dakota Humanities Council.